Builder Developer

Champion Homes of Tennessee has an offsite solution that enables builders and developers to build affordable homes that are highly desired by homebuyers.

Discover Genesis Homes: The Fast, Affordable, and Attractive Homebuilding Solution


Our Builder Developer division is Genesis Homes, and we are proud to offer a unique solution to homebuilding that is fast, affordable, and attractive. Our factory-built process allows us to deliver quality homes and can save you 12 weeks compared to the traditional method, saving you time and money. We understand that quality is a crucial factor, which is why our homes go through multiple quality checks throughout the process, ensuring that they are durable and comparable to site-built homes.


Our homes are both speedy and affordable, providing a comprehensive solution to your home-building needs. Compared to the traditional site-built process, we can save you a starting 13%. You'll be pleased to know that our process includes predesigned floor plans and architectural fees, eliminating unnecessary expenses and saving you time so you can get more value for your ROI.


Our offsite construction opportunities are versatile and appealing to various market areas. Our range of solutions includes single-family homes, tiny homes, and accessory dwelling units. You'll be pleased to know that our single-family homes can be built to CrossMOD™ standards. This ensures that they meet the specialized financing requirements of MH Advantage®.

Energy Efficient

We prioritize sustainability in our construction process. Our use of sustainable materials and construction methods reduces our environmental impact. Additionally, our use of pre-designed floor plans minimizes waste before construction even starts. By choosing our energy-efficient homes, you can help us build a more sustainable future.

Let's Get Started

If you're ready to start your next development with faster timelines, greater predictability, and a product homebuyers love, click here.